Monday, March 26, 2012

10 Tips To Prepare Healthy Family Meals

Let's start with the observation that family meals help fight obesity. We will see that a healthy diet has something to do with the family aspect and fooding heritage practices. So how to prepare healthy family meals? There is a strategy: 1. Plan your success Plan your family meals ahead, then eat a healthy snack, then go shopping to avoid impulse buying. You need healthy food options at your fingertips when you're hungry and start cooking. Do not shop on an empty stomach. Just make sure you do not snack, if you're not eating or preparing family meals. These seemingly innocent bites that can be done here and there (to "taste" while cooking), can be added quickly and come to a lot of energy. If you eat too much in your kitchen, you will be very difficult to participate in family meals... and not eating too late. 2. Simple cooking The golden rule is to keep the simplicity when preparing a healthy meal for your family. Avoid recipes that require many steps and ingredients. A simple dish, grilled or baked, w

ithout too many ingredients and steps, accompanied by vegetables and starches is a good option. 3. Stick to lean meat Buy the thinner slices of meat (without fat or skin) and remove any part of any visible fat before preparing healthy meals. Use ground beef at least 95% lean. Remember that lean meat, are very useful for preparing family meals in a healthy way. Also try the ground turkey sandwich for a change, or change at least one third of the beef with ground turkey breast. Be sure to buy some ground turkey breast and not the variety that contains parts of the skin and dark meat, which makes it more fat. 4. Use non-stick cookware To prepare healthy meals, buy pots, pans that are non-sticking. Non-stick cookware allows you to avoid using oil for healthier options such as wine, water or fruit juice. Use and care of your non-stick pans, as recommended by the manufacturer to extend their lifespan. 5. Change cooking methods To prepare your meals healthier, try to bake, broil, roast, or poach (dip food in

water that is right on the boil) your protein sources. Rather than sprinkle with butter or margarine to reduce the amount of saturated fat and trans fat, basting flavored vegetable broth, white wine or orange juice without sugar. Avoid recipes that call for heavy sauces or sauces for roasts to keep your low-fat menus. 6. Bread is important Instead of using bread sold in supermarkets, usually full of trans fats and oils, replace them with cereals bread. Avoid cereals breads that provide more than 4 grams of sugar per serving. Read labels and choose cereals also have more fiber. In preparing healthy family meals, the crumbs are not insignificant. 7. Add the sugar naturally Reduce the amount of fat and sugar in recipes does not mean giving up taste and pleasure when you prepare your family meals. Replace half the oil with applesauce or fruit puree to get a muffin or a cake as sweet. Use 33% less sugar in cakes. Use unsweetened dried fruit like raisins or chopped dates to add a natural sugar to your cereal. Y

ou can also try sugar-free syrup. 8. Focus on dairy products made from skim milk Did you know that 28 grams of whole milk contains one gram of saturated fat? A glass of whole milk containing 8 grams of saturated fat is bad for the heart. We recommend that you eat mostly dairy products (milk, yogurt, cheese, etc..) Skim milk (skim milk) to prepare healthier family meals. Evaporated skim milk has a creamy consistency and works so well. Condensed milk is low calorie but suit very well in sauces, cakes, ice cream, tea, coffee, etc... For all the recipes to prepare in the context of family meals, replace a whole egg with two egg whites to reduce fat, cholesterol and calories. 9. Reduce desserts portions To reduce the calories and fat calories in the desserts (cheesecake, for example), replace the low-fat cheese with whole milk ricotta cheese. Or when the recipe calls for cream, try fat-free plain yogurt instead. It can produce a very healthy dessert as part of family meals by taking some precautions. 10. Dou

ble the ingredients As you take the time to cook the dish, why not try to do more to save time during the week or month? Double the ingredients for the recipes and freeze half of your finished dish. If you regularly eat out for lunch or for your children, you can also freeze the food, make individual boxes, and heat in a microwave oven. You just have to warm up boxes in the office. This discourages the need or temptation to ride to the candy and soft drinks distributor in the office. For more information and quality advices, I encourage you to check out this site about simple healthy recipes and cooking tips.

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